What is organic waste / wet garbage?
Items that come from nature and would decompose over time, are wet garbage. Example – kitchen waste, garden waste.
What is a organic waste composter?
A machine used for the treatment and recycling of organic waste. A composter is a self-contained system, capable of performing micro-organism-based composting in controlled conditions.
Organic waste converter results in a small carbon footprint, thus avoiding polluting emissions into the atmosphere and resulting in a usable end product – Organic Fertilizer.
What can I put into the machine?
The rule of thumb is: anything a human can consume, raw or cooked, plus plant trimmings and wood and branches, can be placed into the machine, and resulting in a usable end product – Organic Fertilizer.
Can I put meat and dairy products into the machine?
Yes, meat , fish, eggs– there is a hygienization function on the machine that heats the unit to a minimum of 70°C (160°F) for 60 minutes to kill 97.3-99.9% of harmful pathogens and bacteria such as escherichia coli (e. coli) and salmonella. Once the hygienization process is complete, the compost is safe to use as fertilizer.
What cannot be put into the machine?
Anything that is not organic – for example, plastic, glass, metal products and oyster and mussel shells. Putting these items into the machine can lead to machine damage and malfunction.
Can I put bones into the machine?
Small-sized bones, like chicken and fish bones can be put into the machine. Large swine bones, lamb shank bones, or cow bones are not recommended. However, our shredder ( needs to be ordered separately)manages to easily crush thicker bones into small chunks that the microbes can digest.
Can I put seafood shells into the machine?
Only soft seafood shells can be put into the machine like shrimp or prawn shells. Do not put lobster, crab, mussels or clam shells into the machine -without the shredder- as it will not break down due to its high calcium level and can potentially cause damage to the machine.
Can I put yard trimmings into the machine?
The machines can handle a small amount of yard trimmings like grass and leaves without a shredder. It is not recommended to add plant roots as they can wrap around the machine’s axis and blades.
Do I ever have to replenish the bacteria culture?
It is not a must, but we recommend replenishing the microbes on an annual basis to optimize the strength of the microbes.
How often can I put food waste into the machine?
We recommend adding food waste into the machine once a day for ease of operation and allowing a full 24 hours before adding more food waste in. You can then activate the hygienization process any time, resulting in compost coming out of the machine an hour later
What happens if some non-biodegradable like plastic bags etc enter the machine?
Biological processes in the machine are not affected by small quantities of non-biodegradable material. However, these materials occupy valuable space in the machine and should be avoided. Otherwise, they come out along with the compost from the outlet of the machine.
What happens if the machine is loaded with excess material?
ENYPRO Composter is designed to handle 20% excess material. However, if more organic waste is loaded, output compost will not be fully cured. Also, there are chances of foul smell.
Can the output be used immediately?
The output can be used immediately. However, a further curing period ranging from 2 to 3 weeks is recommended.
How can I make organic compost by bio-degradable waste?
You should go for organic waste composting machine instead of traditional composting techniques. This is the best option for organic composting of bio-degradable waste on your premises. The basic working principle of this machine is that it is an aerobic decomposing process (no odour, no pathogenic activity) occurring in a chamber. The output that we get is nothing but manure, which can be used as fertilizer for gardening.
What is the per-day processing capacity of the machine?
It depends on the model you wish to purchase. There is a range of options from 30 kg to 5 tons of daily input. For example, the ENYPRO-100 has 100kg per day organic waste processing capacity.
Does ENYPRO composter give out any harmful gases?
No gases as there is aerobic digestion taking place i.e. continuous air intake and air outlet.
What can go into the ENYPRO’s Composter?
Items to be placed in: Food Waste, Fish, Fish Bones, Meat, Meat Bones, Poultry, Poultry Bones, Vegetables, Fruits, Fruits & Vegetable Peels, Pasta, Rice, Bread & Pastry, Egg-Shells, Manure, Faeces of Cattle, Horse, Dog, & Yard Waste, Yard Trimmings.
Items to be avoided: Plastics, Metal Objects, Construction Waste, Textiles, Wooden Objects, Coconut-Shells.
Can the Organic Fertilizer be used directly in gardens/fields?
Yes. The organic fertilizer can be used directly in gardens or plants. Since it is concentrated it needs to be mixed with soil in the proportion of 10:1 (soil: compost) and then added to the plants.
Does it need to be plugged-in 24 hours?
Yes, the machine has to be connected to the source for 24 hours. However, it consumes power only 8 to 11 hours depending on the humidity content of the waste. However, the air supply blower and to heat the chamber to 40 degrees would operate for 24 hours. Pls ask for electricity consumption tables by using our contact sheet.
What is the quantity of compost produced per day?
Approximately 10% to 15% of the total organic waste input is converted to compost.
What happens to the odor?
The odor is controlled under the Deodorization System, which comes as a part of the machine.
Does the composter require a skilled operator?
No. As it is fully automatic, the garbage collector can just open the lid and dump the segregated waste into it.
What is the warranty or guarantee for the machine?
24 months warranty is provided on manufacturing defects only.
What can I do with the Organic Fertilizer?
- It can be used for the gardens in the premises as a soil nutrient.
- It can be sold to fertilizer companies or on e-commerce websites like Amazon where it can fetch decent prices per Kg.
- It can be donated to the nearby nurseries or to the farmers and you can be a contributor to the development of your area.
- A local government body might collect the compost depending upon where you are.
How often does the machine need to be emptied?
On average, compost will need to be offloaded from the machine once a week, when the machine is used at full capacity.
Are the microbes harmful to humans or animals?
No. ENYPRO’s proprietary microbes used in the compost machine are only active in high temperatures of 55° Celsius or higher, and require oxygen to survive, so they do not pose any threat to humans.
Does the machine produce any harmful discharge or gas?
No. ENYPRO’s composters mimic the natural composting system, sped up through the use of our proprietary bacteria culture. It does not have grey water discharge, nor any harmful gasses.
How are ENYPRO composters different from food waste digesters?
Food waste digesters require water supply and access to drain or waste water hook up. The output of digesters is grey water effluent that needs further processing at wastewater treatment plants, and often have high biological oxygen demand (BOD), and fats, oil and grease (FOG) content. ENYPRO’s composters do not require water hook up, and produces a nutrient-rich material that can be used in gardens.